David DiCrescenzo

  • Safety Director
  • Senior Leadership

David DiCrescenzo is the Safety Officer/Compliance Director of Veterans Development Corporation, Inc. He started this role in March of 2018 but has been part of the our team since the early years when the company was involved exclusively in the HVAC industry. David manages all aspects of the company safety program to ensure that we are in compliance with Federal, State, and local laws. He also ensures that we are meeting job-specific safety requirements.

He maintains all of our safety manuals and documentation, keeping us always up to date with the newest trends in safety and compliance. David assists with making sure our crew is trained in all required areas and educating them constantly about working safely. David is the head of our corporate safety committee, attends corporate safety meetings, and makes job site inspections/visits.

David is also an entrepreneur, an accomplished author and blogger, a public speaker, and a hands-on administrator. He has been known to take a few departures to pursue other business interests over the years, but always comes back to his wheelhouse. His years of business experience in and out of the Construction Industry have taught him to take a very no-nonsense, pragmatic and focused approach to every task, and he believes that everything is doable by incorporating a “one small task at a time methodology” while keeping an eye on the bigger picture.

He is an animal lover and as a one time candidate for public office, is always open to an engaging discussion about politics and what is going on in the world today.